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Gil Stauffer among the Delivery and Service Companies that have marked our lives from the Salvat Collection



In the year of GIL STAUFFER's 115th anniversary, a new edition of GIL STAUFFER has been published. collection of the Salvat publishing house in which this century-old ensign has its own issue.

The booklet explains the technical characteristics of a 1993 Ford Transit, which was the vehicle chosen by Salvat to feature in this issue. It also contains a detailed history of the Gil Stauffer brand and is accompanied by a high-quality 1:43 scale miniature, labelled with the company's corporate image, which faithfully emulates the full-size vehicle.

The collection, entitled "Delivery and service vehicles" is made up of vehicles that have marked our lives, such as Repsol Butano, Iberia, Telefónica, Coca-Cola, San Miguel, Estrella, Cepsa, Cruz Roja, Correos, Trinaranjus, La Casera, Font Vella, etc. And each issue delves into the history of a vehicle and dives into the history of a brand in each case.

The GIL STAUFFER issue is number 17 on the list of issues and, despite the problems arising from COVID-19, it is being very well received by the public. For example, the photo that we publish next to this article has been provided to us by The Leal Miniatures to 1/43 and we wanted to publish it because of its originality and the number of fans it has had on Facebook. Our vehicle has also been posted about by Clares Ribera KioskThey sell it there or send it to their customers, and from there they have also passed on the enthusiasm of their fans. On this page Miniatures, Collections Presse  our vehicle also appears. And in this blog you can read all the information about the collection: Cool Collections

At GIL STAUFFER we are very proud of this representation of our brand in the Salvat Collection of Delivery and Service Vehicles and we encourage you all to get one of our booklets with the little van. If you send us your original photos, we will also share them on our social networks. Run, they are running out!

Since 1905, our greatest satisfaction has been your satisfaction.

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