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Quality policy

GIL STAUFFER is a company dedicated to carrying out removals, made up of a young and dynamic team with extensive experience and qualifications in the sector.

Since our beginnings we have always had the philosophy of continuous improvement and to achieve consolidation as a benchmark company in our sector, the management of GIL SATUFFER has decided to go one step further in the improvement by implementing a quality management system based on the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The guidelines emanating from this policy can be summarised in the following basic principles or objectives:

  • Human team: The best value of GIL STAUFFER is its human team, which is responsible for making sure that the following are reached
    our clients the keys to our philosophy, based on trust, closeness, reliability and the
  • Customer satisfaction: Our customers are our raison d'être, so we not only seek to satisfy their needs, but also to provide them with the best possible service.
    needs and requirements, but rather we try to anticipate their expectations by providing a quality service.
    at very competitive prices.
  • Commitment to the customer: Management is committed to complying with the requirements of
    customer, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to our activity, and
    all those requirements to which our organisation subscribes.
  • Continuous Improvement: Continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system, in order to ensure our
    constant adaptation to the demands of an increasingly competitive market and a constantly changing environment.
  • Environmental Protection: Our organisation is committed to upholding a commitment to
    protection of the environment, in particular to maintain the commitment to pollution prevention
    during the course of our daily activities.
  • Commitment to working conditions: For GIL STAUFFER it is of vital importance to guarantee the best possible working conditions.
    conditions of our employees and all those who work with us, which is why the company has been able to
    management expresses through this policy its firm commitment to providing safe working conditions.
    and healthy to prevent injuries and deterioration of health, always seeking to eliminate the dangerous and
    reduce occupational health and safety risks, and to maintain a commitment to
    consultation and participation of workers and/or workers' representatives

Considering these guidelines, this management reiterates its firm commitment to join efforts towards the achievement of these objectives, whereby this policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the organisation.

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