Moving to Saudi Arabia can be a challenge. Here are a few things to consider
Saudi Arabia extends over much of the Arabian Peninsula. It occupies about 80% of its territory. It is a Middle Eastern country bordered by Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait to the north, Yemen to the south, Oman to the southeast and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain to the east.
Your population 35 million and its capital, RiadThe population is just over 5 million. The official language is Arabic although the English predominates in trade relations.
Economy and society
At present, the country is governed by a absolute monarchy. The King exercises executive power and heads and appoints the Council of Ministers. There is no parliament, and political parties and trade unions are banned. The Koran is its only constitution. It is based on the rules that govern a Islamic society in its strictest sense, one of the most stringent interpretations of the law sharia of the world. The political principles are traditional Islamic ones based on the Islamic family, hierarchy, and the rights and duties of Muslims.
Saudi Arabia is the most powerful economy in the Middle East with one of the highest standards of living in the region, showing a GDP per capita of close to 20,000 and projected by the International Monetary Fund to grow by 4 % in 2022.
It is one of the leading countries in the oil exportswhich has made it one of the twenty largest economies in the world. But strong investments are also being made in non-oil sectors to branch out the industry, creating business opportunities for sectors such as transport and tourism infrastructures, renewable energies, water purification and channelling, the agri-food sector, defence, capital goods, construction materials, urban waste treatment, etc. In addition, artificial intelligence and digitalisation are the main focus of investment projects.
The strength of its banking system and the large-scale public works carried out by the government have made it a country with a strong banking system. very attractive for foreign companies and trade relations between Spain and Saudi Arabia are very good.
On the other hand, the religion divides the population into a Sunni 85% in which the Sunni movement predominates. Wahhabism, 14% Shia and Christian 1%. Saudi Arabia is known as the "land of the holy mosques" as it is home to two of Islam's holiest sites: Masjid al-Haram at Mecca y Masjid al-Nabawi at Medina and where non-Muslims are strictly forbidden access.
Any salaried employment relationship in Saudi Arabia is conditioned by the figure of the employer or sponsor. The employer is the only person responsible for the worker in the country for legal, labour, leave, etc. purposes.
A visa is required for entry into the country.. It must be obtained in advance from the embassy or consulate. This process can take several weeks, so it is advisable to apply early. In addition, for those who are going to reside in the country, it is necessary to obtain a exit permit, to be applied for by the sponsor at the Ministry of Labour.
It is one of the most restrictive countries for women and they are not allowed to leave the house without a man given the male guardianship system. Their participation in the labour market is low and concentrated in the education sector, in bank branches and in women-only shopping centres. Until 2018 it was the only country in the world where women did not have the right to drive.
The 80% workers are foreigners. The kingdom has about 8.4 million workers. Among them 6 million foreigners, mostly employed in the oil sector.
The 47% of the stock is under 24 years of age.
Saudi Arabia has one of the tallest buildings in the world. The Burj Al-Mamiakah ('Tower of the Kingdom').
It is three times the size of Germany. But 95% of its territory is desert and only 1,45% of the kingdom's land is arable.
If you are preparing your moving to Saudi Arabia and you want to know more about the country, don't miss our programme on Expatriates and apply as soon as possible for the budget for the move to Saudi Arabia.
These are tips offered by GIL STAUFFER, your removal company since 1905.
Moving abroad can be an exciting and challenging experience. Whether for work, academic or personal reasons, the process of adapting to a new country and culture can be overwhelming. From the planning the move to integrating into local society, there are many things to consider to make sure the experience is as successful as possible. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for moving abroad and how to make the most of every moment of the adventure.
Documentation: How to prepare before departure
Check the validity of your passport
Apply for any necessary visas well in advance
Obtain a copy of your medical records and vaccinations.
Certify your degrees and diplomas
Update your driver's licence and work permits
Visa and passport: Requirements to be fulfilled
Visa and passport requirements vary depending on the destination country. Some common requirements include:
Passport valid for at least six months
Proof of sufficient funds for the stay
Documentation supporting the reason for travel
Comply with the health and vaccination requirements of the destination country
Economics: Preparing your finances before you emigrate
It is important to have sound financial planning in place before moving abroad, as it is not as straightforward as it may seem. move to the national territory. Some tips include:
Obtain an international credit card or bank account in the destination country.
Savings and banking: Tips on managing your resources
Once you are abroad, it is important to continue to manage your resources effectively. Some tips include:
Evaluates banking options and account types
Control your spending and save money on a regular basis
Consider investing in property
Keep your finances in order and avoid indebtedness
Taxes and insurance: How to keep everything in order
It is important to comply with tax and insurance laws in the destination country. Some tips include:
Research the tax and insurance laws of the country of destination.
Consider hiring an international tax and insurance expert.
Get international health insurance
Register your goods and assets in the country of destination if necessary.
Housing: How to find your home abroad
Finding suitable housing abroad can be a challenge, but there are a few strategies, such as hiring a furniture storage service that can help you:
Research the different housing options in the country of destination.
Consider renting rather than buying
Contact a trusted real estate agent
Evaluate the location, size and amenities of the property before making a decision.
Planning: How to prepare for any eventuality
There are always contingencies when it comes to moving from Madrid abroad. Here are some tips on how to be prepared:
Research the climate and extreme weather conditions in the country of destination.
Consider taking out travel and cancellation insurance.
Have an emergency plan in case of illness or accident.
Research medical and health services in the country of destination.
What to look for: Tips for making the best choice
There are many options when it comes to moving from Barcelona abroad. Here are some tips to make the best choice:
Assess your objectives and expectations of the move
Research living costs and salaries in the country of destination.
Consider the quality of life and services available in the country of destination.
Contact other expatriates in the country of destination to get their opinions and advice.
Closing the cycle: Getting everything ready before departure
Before you leave, it is important to make sure that everything is in order. Here are some things to consider:
Cancel or move utilities, such as electricity, water and gas.
Cancels or moves telecommunications services, such as telephone and internet
Sell or donate the items you won't need abroad.
Cancel or transfer your membership in gym, clubs, and other similar services.
Close all bank accounts and credit cards you won't need abroad.
Cancel or transfer your magazine and newspaper subscriptions
Make sure you have all your important documents, such as passport and visa, in order.
Travel: Packing and other important details
Preparing your luggage and other important details can make your trip easier and more enjoyable. Here are some tips:
Start preparing your luggage in advance
Research visa requirements and documents needed to enter the destination country
Organise your travel documents in a safe and accessible place.
Investigate the regulations for the transport of liquids and objects in the country of destination.
Confirm your flight and accommodation booking before departure
Practical tips: How to make your experience successful
There are many practical aspects that can affect your experience abroad. Here are some tips to make it successful:
Keep an open and positive attitude
Try to integrate into the local culture and make friends with the locals.
Taste the local food and learn about the country's history and culture.
Allow enough time to adapt and don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Seek support from other expatriates and expatriate support services.
Language: How to learn and improve your knowledge of a new language
Learning the local language can help you communicate better and integrate into the local culture. Here are some tips for learning and improving your knowledge of the new language:
Start studying the language before you leave
Attends language classes in the country of destination
Practise the language with locals and other expats
Read and watch films in the local language
Get involved in activities and events in the local language
Luggage: What you need to bring and what you can leave behind
Packing to move abroad can be overwhelming. Here are some tips for deciding what to take and what to leave behind:
Make a list of the essential items you need to take with you.
Research baggage regulations for air transport
Consider sending some of your items by post or parcel post.
Leave behind items you can buy in the destination country.
Think about the climate and season in the destination country when packing.
Transport: Getting around your new destination
Depending on the country and city you are in, transport may be very different from what you are used to. Here are some tips for getting around in your new destination:
Investigate public transport options, such as buses, trains and subways.
Consider buying a bicycle or scooter to get around.
Find out about traffic and driving rules if you plan to drive a vehicle.
If you're in a big city, consider using transportation apps like Uber or Lyft.
Integration: How to make friends and feel at home
It's important to feel comfortable in your new home and making friends can go a long way to achieving this. Here are some tips for integrating into your new environment:
Participate in social activities, such as cultural events, sports or language classes.
Join online groups or communities of expatriates or people interested in your culture.
Get to know your neighbours and try to establish friendships.
Explore your new city and enjoy its tourist attractions.
Culture: How to immerse yourself in the country's culture
Every country has its own culture and it is important to know and respect it. Here are some tips for immersing yourself in the culture of your new home:
Learn about the country's history and tradition.
Taste local food and visit local markets and shops.
Learn some phrases in the local language and practice your pronunciation.
Participate in festivals and cultural events
Enjoy: Making the most of every moment of your adventure
Moving abroad can be an exciting and unique experience, so make sure you make the most of every moment. Here are some tips to make the most of it:
Explore your new home and experience new things.
Take photos and create memories to share with friends and family.
Keep a positive and open attitude towards new situations.
Try to keep in touch with friends and family at home, but also make new friends in your new home.
Learning a new culture, the language, soaking up unusual images and landscapes, delving into customs that we had not even imagined, etc. Undoubtedly, living abroad can be a great experience, both for work and personal reasons.
The expansion of the large companies has made it necessary to have managers covering business parcels in many different parts of the world. The work-related removals have become one of the most common practices worldwide.
But, becoming expatriate can be a challenge for the worker, because it change our residence to an international destinationnot only involves adapting to another culture and customsbut also have to be adopted new ways of lifeThe situation is sometimes very different from what it used to be.
Recommendations if you are moving to another country for work reasons
At GIL STAUFFER we would like to offer you some tips for the expatriation easier:
Go on a voyage of discovery to the country where you will be living, preferably with your family. This way, you can get a feel for the environment and culture where you will be living. Studying and discussing the new family dynamics, which school the children will attend, etc. are important details that must be studied and foreseen so that the expatriation does not fail.
Approaches relocation as a adventure and tries to involve all members of the family in the process. optimistic and with a point of view of joy and surprise in the face of what you are about to experience.
You must accept and understand the culture of this new country and integrate you as a expatriate. You will start to live with people from other cultures and you will have to develop social relationships. Doing things at the bank or taking out car insurance can be simple, but important for your integration in this new country. Try to be patient and channels issues in a positive way, gradually resolving matters as necessary.
It is necessary to know managing uncertainty to adapt to the new environment. Moving to another country generates a time of uncertainty and adaptation, not only because of the stress, but also because of everyday life, but then it can become a very pleasant experience.
It is not advisable to get used to the wage increase which normally occurs during expatriation, as it is likely to be temporary for the duration of the expatriation. expatriate period. However, it is more common for companies to relocate their executives to other destinations when they have finished work in a particular country or city.
In the majority of cases, certain fixed costs will be covered by the company. For example, renting a house, a car, school for children, health insurance, etc. However, it is normal for the human resources department of your company to inform you of the details before you move.
There are times when it is difficult for the company to promise positions or salaries on the candidate's returnbut this is something we have to try to negotiate beforehand to make sure what our future will be. at the end of the expatriation period.
Consider, or suggest in your company, the employment of services of relocationMany companies already use them to help their employees settle in their new places of residence. They make all kinds of formalities much easier and, when you arrive in the country, you have a large part of the bureaucracy sorted out.
We hope that these advice to help you in your professional career destinations around the world and we leave you here more tips for an international move which we hope will be of help to those who need to move abroad for work.
Moving abroad can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also be a complicated process. The key to a successful move is planning and preparation. Do as much research as you can about your destination country, take care of the red tape in advance and make sure your belongings are transported safely and legally. Once you have arrived in your destination country, take time to adjust and don't give up if things don't go as you had hoped at first. With patience, perseverance and a positive attitude, you can enjoy a unique and enriching experience in your life.
Germany is the world's second-largest home for the expatriatesbehind USA. This makes their 81 million inhabitants in the larger population of all the member states that make up the European Union.
In particular, it has become a destination in high demand among Spaniards who decide to pack their bags, as is borne out by the data of the German censuswhich, between 2011 and 2012, registered more than 50.582Spanish emigrants. Data that takes us back 40 years to find a migration flow of similar size: during the Franchism80.000Spanish workers that moved from Madrid or elsewhere in the national territoryarrivedto the German labour market.
Although we have seen again in Germany the "land of opportunity". that we miss in Spainthe professional profiles have changed a lot, and are now the qualified young people most often choose to sling their rucksacks over their shoulders and climb up the "locomotive of Europe. However, it has established itself as a short-term destination, as according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)two thirds of the Spaniards who came to Germany in 2011 they left the German-speaking country within one year.
Germany constitutes one of the most important countries in the world and in Europeboth in terms of political as well as economic. It is part of the United Nationsthe NATO, on G8the nations G4as well as being the the engine of the European economyis the fourth largest economy in the worldin figures from the World nominal GDP. In 2007 it established itself as the the world's largest exporter of goods.
One of the major Germany's advantages is its status as high social welfare, the fruit of careful state budgets which allocate the third largest share to the development aid. At Germany enjoy a high standard of living and a complete benefit system guaranteed by the social security. In addition, it makes things much easier for the expatriatesThe bureaucratic formalitiesthe German system provides many facilities for the integration, in matters of education, language learning, benefits... one of the advantages it offers are German courses through the German EOI at a low cost and compatible with the schedule of work.
If this makes you suspect that it is a country with a high cost of livingyou should know that Berlin will be the ideal city in which to satisfy your daily meals, pay rent, or buy other types of goods, since it is much cheaper than any other European capital, such as Madrid, hence many choose to move from Barcelona.
Its position of leading country standard-bearer of the scientific and technological sectors make their job vacancies a whole bag of opportunities for highly qualified profiles: scientists and engineers are professions with excellent and constant recognition demand on the German labour market.
In terms of salariesthe better paid jobs are for engineersalthough much depends on the area. Although Berlin is one of the best cities to live in is, because of its low cost, a very poor city due to its high indebtedness and the salaries are not very high; in fact, it is the German city where the most popular minijobs. Munich o Frankfurtwhich house all the banking and finance industry; o Hamburgthe cradle of the German international tradeare the cities that offer the better pay conditions.
For the entrepreneurs,Germany can also prove to be a destination of opportunity as the social system has their back more than in the past. Spain. One of the differences is that after the end of the unemployment benefits you can ask for an extension at the level of freelance. In addition, programmes are being promoted to promote the young entrepreneurshipparticularly in relation to Startups and other companies.comwhich are the ones with the greater facilities for entrepreneurship in Germany.
As for the work permits, the biggest advantage of Germany is that as a member of the EU is the stronger labour market which we can access without visa the Spanish. However, due to the significant language differences, it is necessary to have a good level of English for finding a joband it is also advisable to have some minimum knowledge of German.
Perhaps the fame of the strong character of the Germans and the language may put you off a little, but you should know that despite the differences, there are also many similarities to the Spanish cultureone of them musical, since the German folklore is one of its most popular rhythms. As for the language barrier, with a good command of English you won't have too much trouble in Berlin, which has become a very Europeanised because of the large number of young expatriates who choose it as emigration destination.
With regard to the must from tourism, Berlin is an enchanting city where you can't miss the emblematic Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstagand, of course, the famous Berlin Wall. Although Germany has many other charms, such as the beautiful Port of Hamburgthe third largest in the world; or Mittenwalda mountainous village surrounded by The Alps belonging to the region of Upper Bavariaand, of course, without overlooking the wonderful city of Munich, cradle of the Oktoberkfest
Some things that will surprise you as a Spaniard about Germany:
The word Freundcan mean either boyfriend or friend, depending on the phrase and the context.
People often have a drawer full of slippers, crocs or leather slippers at the entrance of their houses so that you can change your shoes and not stain the floor.
Ecological awarenesswith its return system for bottles or PfandIf you buy a drink, you will be charged between 8 and 25 cents for the bottle, which you can get back when you return it to the shop.
Ruhiger Tag. On Sundays all the shops are closed and the streets seem deserted.
When a person has a birthday, one of his or her relatives gets up at dawn and lights the candles on a cake; they are left burning all day, and after dinner everyone sings the birthday song and the celebrant blows out the candles.
If you loved it Germany don't miss his Expatriates podcast at First Hour from Gestiona Radio with Laura López and Jaume Segalés!
Gil Stauffer has been moving lives from continent to continent for more than 115 years: If you're going to take the ultimate step, Request a quote for your international removals with the best professionals!
If you intend to move toSouth Korea,you should know some interesting details about this country from the Southeast Asia. Its politics, its customs, its history and of course; its conditions for living there as abroad. Believe it or not, there are many people who choose to moving from Madrid territory to this destination. If you are one of those who would like to give it a try, one recommendation is to contract a furniture storage service to store your belongings, and in case you want to come back, you have everything stored. Go to click here to request a quote.
South Korea bordered by North Korea, with which it formed a single country until the 1945. Its official language is Korean and its capital SeoulThe 11 million inhabitants. The country is also one of the older civilisations known, since the peninsula was populated since the Lower Palaeolithic. The Korean history has been revolutionary with numerous wars including invasions of both China as of Japan.
At 1948 a modern republicalthough South Korea had to struggle with the aftermath of the war conflicts previous as well as the Japanese occupation(1910-1945), in addition to the Korean War (1950-1953) and decades of authoritarian rule. It was in 1987 that the first fair and direct electionsThe country has since then been considered a democracy multiparty.
Obtaining a visa is a complex process, as the Korean government puts a lot of pressure on the many restrictionsand there may even be up to 53 different types of visas. The citizens of the European Union and United StatesIf you do not need a visa to travel to Korea, you do not need to apply for a visa to travel to Korea if your stay is not for a long period of time. more than ninety days. If you are a non-EU or non-US citizen, you will need to apply for a student visa, tourism, work, business, among others.
The Korean dream o "Korean Dream" o "Korean Dream" o "Korean Dream" o "Korean Dream" o "Korean Dream" o "Korean Dream" is starting to be noticed in Europe. Korea is a good country to live in, it is safe, fun for young people and the salaries are good, but the working environment is stricter, holidays are shorter and there are longer working hours. Nowadays, moreover, the cultural clashes in cities are not usually so strong, especially in these times of globalisation.. Perhaps most shocking to the expatriate is the fact that the food, which has a certain similarity to Chinese and Japanese food. Local gastronomy has been able to preserve certain particularities, such as its delicate flavours, or the almost obsessive use of garlic as a seasoning.
Some curiosities from Korea
South Korea experienced a economic transformation during the 1980sachieved recovering from the old crisis and now in a country with some of the biggest companies in the world, which export their products all over the world, such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai y Kia.
It is the Asian capital of plastic surgeryMedical tourism also attracts Russians, Chinese, Mongolians and Japanese.
Hallyu is how the "Korean wave", which is a phenomenon of Korean entertainment and popular culture with the export to the world of Korean dramas, pop music and cinema.,
In Korea the internet is the fastest in the worldKoreans invest a lot of money in infrastructure to keep the country connected all the time: Internet penetration reaches a world level of 82,7% and where 78,5% of the population The entire population uses smartphones.
If you want to know more details about living and working in Korea, don't miss the Expatriates podcast, OUR RADIO SPACE at Gestiona Radio's First Hour. Don't miss the live broadcast of the next Expatriates every Thursday at 11:30. If you are going to take the final step, Request a quote for your international removals with the best professionals!Gil Stauffer It has been moving lives from continent to continent for 110 years.
Are you considering living and working in San Francisco?
In this post here are some useful tips before you move to this beautiful city
Located in eastern California, San Francisco is a county city and the fourth largest city in the state. With approximately 800,000 inhabitants, it is the second most densely populated city in the country after New York. It was founded in 1776 by Spanish settlers who built a fort on what is today the Golden Gate. It belonged to the Viceroyalty of New Spain until Mexico's independence in 1821 and in 1848 became a U.S. territory along with the rest of the United States. Alta California.
Some notes on the US economy
According to data provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, The United States is the world's leading economyhas 329 million consumers who have an income of per capita 63,500 (in 2020 IMF). According to World Bank data, in 2019 the US ranked second as an issuer of investment (9.5% of the world total) and was the leading recipient of foreign investment (15.9% of the total).
In the business sphere, Spain and the US are in close contact with each other. strong bilateral trade relations. In 2019 it was the sixth destination for Spanish exports and the fifth supplier. As of November 2020, the bilateral balance stood at 2,217 million euros, favourable for Spain.
The US economy is characterised by the flexibility of its markets. The share of the public sector in economic activity is relatively low. The country invests heavily in research and development, has a very flexible labour market and a large availability of capital, which allows it to be in a position of being one of the most competitive countries in the world. very high technological levelThe EU's research and development activities, particularly in business and consumer services, information technology, medicine, aerospace and military technology.
Customers are looking for immediacy. Speed in acquiring the goods and services they need is essential and they have a wide range of purchasing options, as well as great freedom and protection.
On the other hand, it is a very legalistic market and, as a consequence, to operate in this country it is necessary to have an intense specialist legal adviceThe Commission has also proposed a new regulation, so as not to be at a clear disadvantage vis-à-vis local operators.
Working in San Francisco
The tourismwhich is injecting more than $8 billion into its economyis the backbone of San Francisco. Music, film and popular culture have sponsored his cultural heritage worldwide, making it the world's third largest city in the USA most visited. All of this makes this city a great attraction for professionals in the service and hospitality sector.
It is also a ideal destination for highly qualified people by the enormous development of its economy. The area of San Francisco Bay and a large part of the metropolitan area are home to the cradle of technologyThe famous Silicon Valley. Many of the largest technology corporations as Googleo Facebook are located here. Also powerful Startupsas Uber and Twitter. All of this turns the city into a gigantic job vacancies for profiles technology professionals such as programmers or developers.
In addition, San Francisco has positioned itself as a biotechnology and biomedicine research centre. In the district of Mission BayThe second campus of the UCSFThe California Institute for Regenerative Medicinea major public body that funds the programmesstem cell research; without a doubt an unbeatable one opportunity for scientists y biologists from all over the world.
Of course, finding a job in San Francisco It's not as easy as taking the plunge. It will vary greatly depending on whether you are senior o juniorof your work experience and your contacts. In order for a American company you, you have to justify that there is no one in USA with your own knowledge y capacities to realise this work. So much so that by law they are obliged to provide you with a minimum wage 90,000 euros to prevent the companies look in the labour markets foreigners qualified personnel cheaper. Once a employment relationship with some american corporationwill be in charge of managing your professional visawhich will give you permission to be in USA for 3 years, which can be extended, and will assume all management costs. The procedures can take between four months and a year. However, one way to achieve a WORK PASS easier and faster, are the traineeship visas. You are allowed a stay of six months to one year and the company should not assume a high salary as in the other case. It is not the most suitable and of course it does not give you the stability that you get with a professional visa although it can be recommended for profiles of young people. There is also another type of visa for six months for workers in Spanish companies who are thinking of expanding in the United States and want to explore the market in their sector.
Some recommendations to make your way in the american labour market if you lack contacts, are to attend events of networking with a tourist visa and establish a good strategy for branding staff on-linethrough profiles such as Linkedin or blog platforms.
Curiosities about San Francisco
The famous Chinese fortune biscuit was actually invented in San Francisco by a Japanese resident named Makoto Hagiwara.
Al Caponethe popular mobster who was taken to the Alcatraz prisonI used to give concerts here every Sunday.
Yerbabuena was the original name of the city, in honour of the abundance of this plant.
At San Francisco It is illegal to beat a carpet in the street. Cleaning car windscreens with underwear is also prohibited, as is walking elephants without a leash.
The Beatles gave their last full concert in Candlestick Park, park of San Francisco, on 29 August 1966.
If you're still hungry for more, don't miss the podcast from Expatriates San Francisco.
If you are going to take the final step from move to San Francisco, request a quote for your move as soon as possible. GIL STAUFFER carries 110 years of moving lives from continent to continent. We recommend that you read also these tips for international removals. They will be of great help to you in your planning.
Further information
you may also be interested in the following articles:
Moving to France, the world's number one tourist destination ranking world
If you're thinking of moving abroad but you just want to be close to home, France may be the destination for you. With 67.5 million inhabitants, it is the seventh largest economy in the world and is home to many of the most important multinationals and leading institutions in the primary and industrial sectors. It is also the world's number one tourist destination and the country receives 83 million foreign visitors a year.
Advantages of moving to France
For those who want to look for opportunities in France, they will certainly find it easy to settle there. No visa required The country is accessible to Spanish nationals and it is possible to stay there for as long as you wish without the need for bureaucratic procedures. The proximity to our country is also a great advantage, as it allows us to return whenever we want for very reasonable prices. Moreover, France is a member country of the G8of the G20of the Eurozone and of the Space SchengenThis makes it easier for EU citizens to travel freely there.
According to data from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce, France is our main trading partner and the seventh-largest power in the world. With a growth of 6.7% in 2021, it has positioned itself as one of the fastest growing in the European Union with a forecast of 3.5% in 2022, according to the IMF.
In 2021, Spanish exports to France amounted to growth of 9.24%, exceeding pre-pandemic levels, while imports increased by 8.91% over 2020.
Geographical proximity brings a competitive advantage to Spanish companies of consumer goods and agri-food products, with a particular focus on the production bio and sustainable, highlighting a 9.2% increase in demand for fresh produce by 2021.
At the same time, the following have been generated new areas of interest such as technological solutions, biotechnology, renewable energies, water and urban waste treatment processes, logistics, and the start-upsFrance has announced the creation of a €10 billion European fund for this purpose. E-commerce continues to grow with more than one million new shoppers by 2021.
France is a country that currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and is also a member of the Council of the European Union. strategic partner in the most important sectors of both economies: agriculture, automobiles, energy or transport, etc.
With the ambitious France 2030 Planannounced on 12 October by President Macron, the French government is committed to new sectors that will contribute to the country's competitiveness. This plan is the response to the major challenges of our era, with an investment of 30 billion euros to support future technological leaders and the transition of French sectors of excellence such as the automotive, space and aeronautics industries.
Institutional character
France will always be remembered for its Declaration of Human and Citizen's Rights after the French Revolution in 1789. It has served as an example in this respect for many societies and countries. It is a founding member of the United Nations and is home to the headquarters of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament, both in Strasbourg. Its capital, Paris, is also home to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and Unesco.
Opportunities to work and study in France
The French is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and to live in France it is essential to have at least some knowledge of the language. In the Institut Français offer the best teaching of the neighbouring language, giving classes in their different branches in Spain and offering information about the country and the job opportunities available.
The most in-demand jobs in France are to be found in the health sector, IT, hotels, catering, food and commerce. The difference between professional and personal life is of the utmost importance for French citizens. Shops close at 7 o'clock so that everyone can have dinner with their families and friends, they enjoy 30 days of paid holidays without exception and are forbidden by law to check their e-mail after 6 p.m. (Law of Disconnection at Work).
But if you want to take advantage of the opportunity to study for a postgraduate degree, it's a great idea. As a European citizen, higher education in France is more affordable than elsewhere because the state covers most of the costs of accessible courses at public higher education institutions. On this page, you can find more detailed information. In addition, there are numerous scholarships and grants for foreigners to help them cope with the costs of living there, which are not so cheap.
Paris is the symbol of France par excellence, but other cities such as Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Carcassonne also receive a lot of tourism. The attraction of the Côte d'Azurleaves its mark on visitors to cities such as Nice or Cannes. Toulouse, Strasbourg, Colmar, Montpellier, Dijon, Orléans... They are countless cities which bear the imprint of France's rich past and are certainly worth a visit.
To summarise, we will say that France's most visited is the Tower Eiffelthe Museum of the Louvrethe Cathedral of Notre Damethe Palace of Versailles, the Museé D'Orsay The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, Disneyland Paris, the National Centre for Art and Culture, the temple Sacré Coeurthe Avenue des Champs Elysées, the Basilica de Montmartrethe Luxembourg Gardens, the Moulin Rougethe ski resort Alpe D'Huezthe Gorges of Verdozthe Castle of Chambordthe Promenade des Anglais in Nice, the Lac de Annecythe Cathedral of Reimsthe dune of Pilatthe Palace of Chantillythe Macizo de Calanques and a long etcetera of possible places to visit.
It should also be noted that France has a multitude of beautiful places to visit, including ski and a huge amount of castles, palaces and museums. The streets The towns and cities are often a work of art in themselves. So our recommendation is to choose a specific city and explore it thoroughly so that you can then move on to other cities and gradually get to know the most interesting places in this rich country.
Art and culture
France has a rich culture and traditionwith exponents known all over the world. The famous Mona Lisa is accompanied on the Museum of the Louvre of 34,999 other works of art. The art gallery houses everything from Islamic, Egyptian, Greek and Roman art, to jewellery collections of the French nobility. If you are a lover of art history, it is easy to lose yourself for hours looking at each piece, not only inside the museum but also in the streets of many French cities and towns, in their churches and castles, but also in the Museum d'Orsaywhich has more than 2,000 paintings and one of the best collections in the world. Impressionism, Cubism, Realism and also of the Post-Impressionism with its main exponent, the great Vincent Van Gogh.
Way of life and gastronomy
France is the origin of Human Rights and is the cradle of culture and art, but also of gastronomy. The French cuisine serves as inspiration for chefs around the world and is the basis of learning for all international culinary schools. It contains a variety of traditional dishes with ingredients that pass more regulations than visas to enter the country. Since 1411 there has been a system of appellation of origin that regulates the regional origin of food produced in the country. With more than 350 varieties of cheeses and 17 different wine regions, the French can boast of having created the champagne and the bistrowhere you can sample their specialities such as the crêpes from buckwheat of Britannia or the soupe a Pistou of Provence.
Cheese, vegetables, fruit, meat and fish are just some of the things that make up the rich and varied French cuisine. Some of the most popular dishes are: Pôt-au-feua beef stew with vegetables seasoned with coarse salt; tournedossirloin steaks with bacon; the famous vichissoise o ratatouille niçoisea stew based on vegetables, garlic and olive oil.
Timetables and restaurants. To be able to enjoy all the delicacies of French gastronomy, you will have to adapt a little to their timetable, as they usually have lunch from 12 to 13.30 and dinner from 20 to 21.30. If you decide to try a restaurant, opt for their menu options and don't forget to take into account the price differences between eating at the bar and at a table.
Land of vineyards. If there is one popular drink in France, it is wine. It is home to some of the world's most important wine regions, including Bordeaux, Burgundy and Champagne. So, if you like this drink, France will be your place!
You certainly won't go hungry, but pay attention to the pricesFrance is not a cheap country to live or eat in. Finding a good flat at an affordable price in France is complicated.
On the other hand, the French like to have their own language spoken. language. Bonjour, au revoir... If you're planning to go there soon, you should know that the French appreciate it very much if you speak French, so if you don't speak French yet... let's get started! It is advisable to learn at least a few basic phrases.
Respect and educationThe French are known for being extremely careful about the cleanliness of the streets, respect for other people and tipping is very appreciated especially if you use taxis or hairdressers.
Curiosities about France
France is home to more than 40,000 castles.
The hymn French, the Marseillaisewas composed in 1792 by Joseph Rouget during wartime, and became the national anthem in 1795.
The motto French "liberté, égalité, fraternitéThe term "French Revolution" came into use in the French Revolution (1789) and is still in use today.
The French tend to greet each other with two kisses, but there are regions where they give three, and in some places, up to five kisses.
Despite the belief that celebrities are croissants are French, their real origin is Austria.
France is the country with the most Nobel Prizes of Literature: He has 15 to his credit.
The French consume around 30,000 tonnes of escargots (snails) annuals.
In 2010 the gastronomy The French festival was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
In France it was forbidden to eat potatoes between 1748 and 1772 because they were believed to be the cause of leprosy.
The guillotine was invented by the French physician Joseph Ignace Guillotin so that convicts would have a quick death and less suffering.
The Gallic country has more than 400 varieties of cheeses.
The posthumous marriage is permitted if it is proved that the deceased person intended to enter into such a marriage.
In every major city there is a street of Victor Hugo.
Marseille is the oldest city in France.
The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world.
The Tower Eiffel was built as an attraction for the Universal Exhibition of 1889, held in Paris, and was temporary in nature although it is still standing. It is the tallest structure in the city and the most visited paid monument in the world. It was built of puddled iron by the engineer Gustave Eiffel in two years, two months and five days.
French is the official language from 28 countries in addition to France.
Further advice
In short. France is a neighbouring country, which offers many possibilities and is close to home, so that you can see friends and family again in a short time and in a more affordable way. A luxury of a big brother.
If you finally decide to take the plunge and move to France, at GIL STAUFFER we help you with your move. We have been moving lives from country to country for over 115 years.
For more information on how much your international move can cost, here is an article on international moving costs. international removal prices.
United Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the favourite destinations for Spaniards, especially for young people. We could say that moving to the UK is fashionable. In 2013 the number of Spaniards arriving in the UK grew by 42% and we are already the largest number of Spaniards living in the UK. second largest migrant-sending country the United Kingdom behind Poland. According to the Spanish Embassy in London we are already about 150,000 strong.
It is a very desirable country for emigrants because of its economic strength, stability and a high level of education. One of the reasons why Spaniards emigrate to England is the lack of bureaucratic obstacles thanks to our membership of the EU. It is a destination that is close to us, so returning frequently to Spain is viable and cheap and with just our passport we can work, which simplifies all the paperwork compared to other countries. The UK gives us the opportunity to take our suitcases and jump into the pool and look for work from there. There are many portals on the internet that help and advise you in your search for employment and other issues.
The United Kingdom is a country with a large dynamism and mobility in the labour market, which offers good economic conditions and a positive employment platform for qualified professionals. Fundamental is the English proficiency to access these qualified positions. The recruitment system works differently, the selection process is more exhaustive and longer, and experience is usually valued more than academic qualifications. But, in general, companies treat workers very well and improve their economic conditions in a short period of time.
Among the most qualified profiles, the following are particularly in demand engineers, computer scientists (especially programmers), accountants, financiers and health professionals. Currently, specialist doctors and nurses are the qualifications most in demand. Moreover, young Spaniards are considered to be among the best educated in Europe, but they are also the best educated in the world, a priori, One of the hurdles to overcome to get a job of this kind is the language.
United Kingdom is an ideal place for those you love self-employmentis much quicker and cheaper. Compared to the €3,000 initial capital required in Spain, with approximately €400 in expenses (incorporation, notary, taxes, etc.), the monthly self-employed fee of €275 and a 10 day - 1 month waiting period. At United Kingdom We can set up our company in just one day or a few hours with a start-up fee of €40 and an initial capital of £1. The self-employed fee is proportional to income and for very low incomes (£7,750 per year) does not exceed €12 per month.
The city of choice for expatriates is London, It is truly a city of opportunities, with a multicultural character and a wide range of leisure activities. However, for some, it is quite expensive and very large. Looking for a place to live, for example, can be a difficult task because of the high prices and because the flats are sometimes old or poorly maintained.
For these reasons, it is a city in which it is recommended to have a Relocation company, companies engaged in the search for housing and they filter the client's needs and budget.
- Edinburgh: It has a very low unemployment rate of between 2 and 3%.
- BirminghamThe second most important city in the country, it is home to English industry and there is a demand for jobs in this sector.
- ManchesterIt has a lively nightlife and offers many leisure possibilities, another factor to take into account when choosing a city.
- Liverpool: This is an interesting city, famous for being the birthplace of The Beatles.
- Brighton: A tourist resort with beach and plenty of leisure activities.
Tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. in Expatriates, exploring other worlds at Gestiona Radio We look forward to hearing from you!
Gil Stauffer has been moving lives from continent to continent for more than 115 years: If you're going to take the ultimate step, Request a quote for your international removals with the best professionals!
Miami is a city with a particular style where it seems that beauty and the cult of the physique reign supreme. It also seems that it is always summer and that people have a good time. Everything is very holiday-like and it seems to be all about luxury and glamour. But if you are considering living there, there are a few things to consider before you take the plunge. It is a city of many contrasts and it is growing at a dizzying pace.
It has its own idiosyncrasies derived from its population. multicultural and is a good place to living as an expatriate. In fact, there are quite a number of expatriate residents from various countries living in Miami.
Take note of these tips before your transfer:
Some notes on the US economy
According to data provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, The United States is the world's leading economyhas 329 million consumers who have an income of per capita 63,500 (in 2020 IMF). According to World Bank data, in 2019 the US ranked second as an issuer of investment (9.5% of the world total) and was the leading recipient of foreign investment (15.9% of the total).
In the business sphere, Spain and the United States are in close contact with each other. strong bilateral trade relations. In 2019 it was the sixth destination for Spanish exports and the fifth supplier. As of November 2020, the bilateral balance stood at 2,217 million euros, favourable for Spain.
The US economy is characterised by the flexibility of its markets. The share of the public sector in economic activity is relatively low. The country invests heavily in research and development, has a very flexible labour market and a large availability of capital, which allows it to be in a position of being one of the most competitive countries in the world. very high technological levelThe EU's research and development activities, particularly in business and consumer services, information technology, medicine, aerospace and military technology.
Customers are looking for immediacy. Speed in acquiring the goods and services they need is essential and they have a wide range of purchasing options, as well as great freedom and protection.
On the other hand, it is a very legalistic market and, as a consequence, to operate in this country it is necessary to have an intense specialist legal adviceThe Commission has also proposed a new regulation, so as not to be at a clear disadvantage vis-à-vis local operators.
Work visa
Although the advantages of this cosmopolitan city are innumerable, the first thing to bear in mind is the visa. In the USA, Spaniards can only stay for 3 months with a tourist visa and Spaniards can only stay for 3 months with a tourist visa. work visas are managed from Spain, for which you need to have a job offer It is therefore essential to come to Miami with a job. The United States is one of the strictest countries in the world on this issue. You can also try to get a Green Card in any of the following ways detailed in this post:
Transport services
Public transport in Miami leave much to be desired. There is a Metro Rail which connects the southern part of Kendall with the Financial Centre and the Metro Mover or light rail that goes around the area of Brickell until Omni East is free of charge and has a connection to the Metro Rail. However, almost everyone buys a car, even if it is a fifth or sixth hand car, for less than 1,000 dollars. It is also more comfortable and safer to drive a private car, even if you have to know how to drive an automatic car.
Health system
The health care system in the US is very good, but tremendously expensive. It is essential to have a comprehensive health insurance, as a night in hospital without insurance can cost around 2,000 $.
Where to live?
Moving to Miami is a good option, but it is important to choose well the area where you are going to live. For short term stays, a good option is the area of Brickell or Mid Town. However, you can consider looking for something close to the beach in Miami Beach if you have more financial resources and believe that your adventure will be long-lasting.
On the other hand, you would have to think twice if you have children, since this decision also affects the selection of the education system which can be accessed by children. The public school determines the places according to the different neighbourhoods to which each one belongs. In order to be able to access them, it is imperative to reside in the same district or area where the corresponding public school is located. Otherwise, it will not be possible to enrol your children in that school.
There is so much to do in Miami. It is a fantastic place to enjoy. Its large white sandy beaches, the blue colour of the sea and the summer climate are reminiscent of the Caribbean atmosphere, but with the added bonus of large hotels and typical American buildings. There is a wide range of leisure activities, restaurants, etc. and outdoor sports are a good option all year round.. You constantly see cyclists, skateboarders, people doing running or weight training in gyms outdoor, etc.
If you like nature, you can't miss out on the EvergladesA Natural Park near Miami with an area of 6,000 square kilometres of wild, marshy terrain, it is one of the largest subtropical moorlands in the world. It is one of the largest subtropical wastelands in the world. You can visit aboard a hovercraft and see crocodiles and alligators as you tour the wetlands.
Miami is an ideal place for children, as there are many possible activities. You can go to the Miami Children's Museum, al Zoo, al Crandon Park, a Venetian Pool, al Water Park Grapelandto the leisure centre Fundimensionetc. There is a wide range on offer.
And there are other places of interest such as the Villa Vizcaya if you want to see art and gardens, the Miami Sea Aquarium or the Jungle Island.
But if what you really like is shopping, you won't get bored, as there are hundreds of shops and shopping centres where you can dive to find the best bargain.
To find out more about Miami tourism you can visit the website , which is a very complete guide.
Spanish expatriates
In general, it is a fairly welcoming city where 70 percent of the population is Spanish-speaking and almost everyone speaks SpanishThis makes your stay easier if you are not fluent in English.
In addition, for the Spanish expatriates, there is a social club called Expats Club which organises cultural outings, tapas nights and sporting events to discover the city, provides discounts in shops and restaurants and runs a notice board where expats can find what they need if they have just arrived (house, car, furniture, TV, etc.) or sell what they want if they are moving back.
Another highlight of the club is a list of trusted suppliersPediatricians, dentists, plumbers and lawyers, among other professionals.
GIL STAUFFER carries more than 115 years moving lives from continent to continent. If you are going to take the definitive step, ask for a quote for your international move with the best professionals.
For the time being, here are a few tips for international removals. They are very useful for moving to Miami or any other international destination.
Further information
you may also be interested in the following articles:
If you're thinking of moving to Spain, take note of these tips:
Have you decided to move to Spain and are you already organising all the preparations?
Like all countries, Spain has some customs and curiosities that we think you should know about before move to Madrid, Barcelonaor any part of the national territory to make it easier for you to adapt to the Spanish way of life. So, here is a list of the 7 things that best define Spanish culture:
1. We have a late lunch and dinnerIn Spain, unlike our neighbouring countries, we are used to having our meals between 2 and 3 p.m. and our dinners between 9 and 10 p.m. This timetable is usually delayed in summer, when we love to enjoy the good weather and the open air. This timetable tends to be delayed in summer, a season when we love to enjoy the good weather and the open air. Especially when we are on holiday.
2. We speak Spanish and whatever comes upSpanish is the third most spoken language in the world. And, although English is still difficult for more than one person, we can assure you that we will try to speak your language or at least adapt it, but we will always manage to understand each other! We Spaniards are very welcoming people.
3. We like traditional festivalsFor many years, the working calendar has included various national and regional holidays. In addition to these official dates and depending on the area, there are local fairs and festivities such as the Feria de Sevilla, the Fallas in Valencia, San Fermín in Pamplona or the Tomatina in Buñol. All of them are very characteristic of Spanish folklore and are well worth getting to know.
4. Spain has the highest number of pubs per inhabitant in EuropeIn our country it is very common to use a bar or restaurant for almost any occasion. A business lunch, a date, a meeting with old friends... The wide range of these types of places means that there are bars and restaurants to suit all tastes.
5. Football is the national sportThe talent of the Spanish teams is recognised both nationally and internationally. And in general, the country is very supporter of the sport. For example, a match between Real Madrid and F.C. Barcelona can almost bring the whole country to a standstill.
6. We take a napWe have a reputation for taking naps. It's true, we love that little snooze after lunch. But be careful, when we have to work, we don't do it in Spain. Duty calls us and we are also very hard workers.
7. Excellent gastronomyOne of the most remarkable things about Spain is the good habits we have when it comes to food: A good meal is a good way to eat. tapas with a cool beer or a glass of wine on a terrace, eating a plate of cocido madrileño or paella valenciana on a Sunday or enjoying a bocata de calamares or a ración de tortilla española (Spanish omelette) in company. We Spaniards have a fine palate and foreigners always praise our traditional dishes.
This list could be much longer, but the message that we are trying to share from GIL STAUFFERThe fact is that, as difficult as it may be to move to another country, in the case of Spain, good habits work in our favour. So, we can affirm that, if you are thinking of moving to another country, moving to Spain may be a suitable alternative..
What is the importance of having a specialised removal service?
To have a specialised removal service is of utmost importance for several reasons. Here are some of the main reasons and then I will go into more detail about the importance of storage services and how to analyse a budget for this type of service:
Importance of a specialised removal service
Experience and knowledge: Specialised moving companies have trained and experienced staff to handle fragile, heavy and bulky objects. This significantly reduces the risk of damage during the moving process to Sevillafor example.
Appropriate packaging: These companies know how to pack items safely and efficiently to avoid breakage or damage during transport. They use suitable packaging materialss for each type of item.
Equipment and tools: Moving companies have the necessary equipment to move and transport heavy furniture and delicate objects safely. This includes tools such as dollies, forklifts and protective equipment.
Efficiency and time: Skilled professional movers can do the job efficiently, reducing the time it would take to do the move on your own.
Insurance and liability: Many moving companies offer insurance that covers damage during the moving process. This provides peace of mind in the event of an incident.
Stress reduction: Moving can be stressful, but with a specialised service, much of the heavy and complicated work is left to professionals, which significantly reduces the associated stress.
Importance of the furniture storage service
A furniture storage service is important in situations where you cannot move all your items to your new home immediately. Some reasons to use a furniture repository are:
Date slippage: If there is a period between moving out of your old home and moving into your new one, you will need a safe place to store your belongings.
Renovations or refurbishments: If you are renovating your new home, it may be necessary to store your items temporarily to avoid damage.
Limited space: If your new home has less storage space than you need, a furniture repository provides a temporary solution.
Long distance removals: For international or long-distance moves, a furniture repository can be useful for storing your belongings until you are settled.
Size of the space: Make sure that the space provided is sufficient to store all your items comfortably.
Duration: Consider how long you will need the service and check if the budget fits that duration.
Security: Ask about the security measures offered by the service, such as surveillance cameras, restricted access and alarms.
Location: The location of the furniture repository is important for easy access to your belongings when needed.
Storage conditions: Make sure the space provides adequate conditions for storage, such as humidity and temperature control.
Total cost: In addition to the cost basis, check if there are additional charges for insurance, handling of objects or frequent access.
Company reputation: Research the reputation and reviews of the storage company to make sure they are reliable.
Insurance: Ask if the service includes insurance for your belongings and what kind of coverage it offers.
Having a specialised removal service is essential to ensure a safe and efficient moving process. In the case of a furniture repository, carefully analysing the budget and the conditions offered will help you make an informed decision and ensure that your belongings are in safe hands during the storage period.
Let us take care of your international removals and worry only about enjoying all the good things that await you.
These are tips offered by GIL STAUFFER, your removal company since 1905.
Moving to Boston can be a great opportunity, as it is one of the most important cities in North America.
Boston is the capital of the state of Massachusetts and played a key role in the revolution for American independence. Today it is the most populous city in the New England region and is known for its large influx of young people and for the University of New England's University of California. Harvardlocated in the district of Cambridge. There are many attractions in this city, which is also a renowned financial, commercial and political centre.
The town, founded in 1630 by Puritan settlers, is one of the oldest cities in the United States. Nowadays, it is known as "the city of neighbourhoods" due to the number of districts with different characteristics. It is also a leader in innovation and combines interesting traditions and emblematic premises that house modern businesses, offering the latest technology.
The Harvard University is the oldest higher education institution in United States
Some notes on the US economy
According to data provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, The United States is the world's leading economyhas 329 million consumers who have an income of per capita 63,500 (in 2020 IMF). According to World Bank data, in 2019 the US ranked second as an issuer of investment (9.5% of the world total) and was the leading recipient of foreign investment (15.9% of the total).
In the business sphere, Spain and the US are in close contact with each other. strong bilateral trade relations. In 2019 it was the sixth destination for Spanish exports and the fifth supplier. As of November 2020, the bilateral balance stood at 2,217 million euros, favourable for Spain.
The US economy is characterised by the flexibility of its markets. The share of the public sector in economic activity is relatively low. The country invests heavily in research and development, has a very flexible labour market and a large availability of capital, which allows it to be in a position of being one of the most competitive countries in the world. very high technological levelThe EU's research and development activities, particularly in business and consumer services, information technology, medicine, aerospace and military technology.
Customers are looking for immediacy. Speed in acquiring the goods and services they need is essential and they have a wide range of purchasing options, as well as great freedom and protection.
On the other hand, it is a very legalistic market and, as a consequence, to operate in this country it is necessary to have an intense specialist legal adviceThe Commission has also proposed a new regulation, so as not to be at a clear disadvantage vis-à-vis local operators.
Things to consider when moving to Boston
VISASAs for any other city in the United States, a visa is required to work in Boston. For information on the current regulations on visassee this page of the Embassy of the United States in Spain.
WORKJob search: The most common form of job search is to consult job offers in websites and job fairs or agencies. As a popular city, the most sought-after jobs in Boston are those related to tourism, hotels and restaurants. These include the professions of waiters, guides, clerks and receptionists. On the plus side, the average salary in Boston is somewhat higher than in the rest of the country, especially in skilled jobs such as medicine.
STANDARD OF LIVINGDepending on the area and the size of the property, the rent usually ranges from 500 to 4,000$ per month, plus monthly expenses ranging from 100 to 250$, the most important of which is heating in the winter months, as temperatures range from -17° to 3°.
HEALTH As is well known, the United States does not have a public health service, which makes it essential to have health insurance with the necessary coverage.
URBAN TRANSPORTBoston is the fourth busiest underground system in the country and the price of a single ticket is around 2,70$. On the other hand, a bus ride can cost 2.10$ and a ferry ride can cost 3.30$. However, due to its urban layout, it is a city that allows you to walk almost anywhere. In fact it is known as the "American's Walking City".
Highlights of places to visit in Boston
Being a cradle of culture and a leading city in the United States, there are plenty of options to enjoy the tourism that the city has to offer, but here are a few places you can't miss:
Museum of Fine Arts The Boston Museum of Art, which offers an interesting collection of works of art, mixing modern art with Egyptian treasures.
New England Aquariuman aquarium with more than two thousand animals.
Museum of Sciencesa science and planetary museum.
The art museum located in a Venetian palace named Isabella Steward Gardner Museum.
A tour of the historic sites and museums in the Freedom Trial.
The iconic stadium of the Red Sox, Fenway Park.
Boston Commona park of historical significance.
The historic shopping centre Faneuil Hall.
The museum of interactive exhibitions Boston Children's Museum.
A quiet 19th century park called Public Garden.
The The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.where there are exhibitions and objects of political history.
A floating museum with live re-enactments called Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum.
The park Boston Harbour Islands State ParkThe city is full of history and activities.
Copley SquareThe architecture is very diverse and special.
The popular public beach Revere Beachwhich was the first in the United States.
In short, there are many options to visit, but we have tried to expose the most visited and some of the most curious.
Curiosities about Boston
Boston was founded in 1630 by Puritans who emigrated from England in search of better life opportunities. It is therefore one of the oldest cities in the United States.
Boston is known as the "Athens of America"or as the "intellectual city", in large part because of its prestigious teaching, provided in the University of HarvardBoston is the best known, but there are more than fifty universities and more than 100 colleges that carry out research activities. It was also the site of the first public school in the United States, the Boston Latin School, which opened in 1635.
In 1848, the first free library was founded there: The Boston Public Library.
In September 1897, in Boston, the first the first underground in the USA.
Alexander Graham Bell presented the first phone in 1876.
Back Bayis a neighbourhood in Boston that is considered an open-air museum of beautiful Victorian, Classical and Gothic buildings. For its part, Beacon Hill is one of the most elegant neighbourhoods and home to the best antique shops.
Boston celebrates the annual marathon oldest in the world, having been held since 1897.
Boston is famous for its fish and seafood such as clam chowder and lobster sandwiches.
The state of Massachusetts was ranked in 2015 as the best state to live in by 24/7 Wall St. Louis media.
The river Charles separates Boston from the nearby city of Cambridge and its shores are a preferred place to make picnic during the warmer months.
So, you see, moving to Boston may be a good optionIts quality of life and options reveal it to be so. If you finally decide to make the move to this attractive city, please contact GIL STAUFFER. We will help you in the process.
Further information
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