Companies, marketing trends and fake news
The companies have had to make in the last few decades a major effort to adapt to the technological age. This has involved a adaptation process of all departments, which have had to update their working procedures with new technological tools. However, the department that has undergone the biggest shake-up, if I may use the term to express a radical change, has been the department of MarketingIt turns out that this is where the interconnection with the rest of the professional areas now comes together so that everything works properly and can continue to sell, whatever it is that is being sold. You have to be constantly interconnected and always be imaginative to stay in the market.
Thus, at an event hosted by ESIC at the newspaper's headquarters ABCpresented us with the "Study describing tomorrow's marketing today" entitled ".Next Marketing trends & Skills".The first thing to emphasise is that companies must be convinced that marketing is transforming, but is a transformation that must be faster and more efficient than the consumer himself.r. The user is now a power consumer The most common tool for this user is the Internet user's most common tool? Undoubtedly the mobileIt has changed our lives and involves a great effort to interpret consumer trends and behaviours.
Another major spearhead is that the media have multiplied exponentially and, in addition to the traditional ones (newspapers and magazines in print, television and radio), we now have hundreds of digital channels that include and disseminate information of all kinds. But, in addition, this multichannel involves a vertigo acceleration which is on the increase. Thus, among these modern means of communication, we find, for example, the Internet. TwitterThis is great for the effectiveness of truthful information, but it is very detrimental when we talk about fake news. At the conference "Journalism in the face of fake newsThe "The Madrid Press Associationthe prestigious journalist and president of the business school Next IBS, Manuel Campo Vidal expressed his concern about the direction the current world of communication is taking, since "... the world of communication is taking a new direction.the fake news are having unsuspected consequences". Any user can now freely have their own channels to bring news, whether beneficial to society or destructive, to life. The challenge is to restore credibility to professional journalism and to convince the individual to seek out real news. But it is an arduous task, as we are confronted with technological solutions that are driving the viralisation of this fake news in an unbridled way, even destabilising the politics of certain countries or regions and shaking the foundations of what has been built up over many years.
We spoke a few days ago in this post of the importance of cybersecurityThe problem of cybercrime is on the rise. Well, one of the legs of this problem lies in the robots which serve to create millions of fake users and spread untruthful news at an incredible speed. There are real farms of bots message multiplierswhich are having a decisive influence on communication. Against this background, we should all contribute in a responsible way to try to curb the problem as far as possible and, within the framework, companies are also disseminators of everyday information from which we can understand this serious problem and demonstrate a corporate spirit of support for communication professionals to promote truthful information as a cornerstone of a country's social and economic stability. Thus, in Gil Staufferwhich is a centenary brand and has recently been awarded the best removals company by the newspaper La RazónWe feel a responsibility to be constantly educated on these important issues and never cease in the search for the constructive, offering support only to serious media that help to build the world from the truth.
And, given the importance of the business landscape as the media's major economic advertising medium, perhaps official bodies and entitiesas CEIM, Chambers of Commerceetc. could be great allies of journalism in order to make a difference in the inspirational teaching bridge for companies The issue of education on this topic is still largely hidden from a large group of managers and business people, who buy or authorise the purchase of advertising on a daily basis on the basis of click efficiency alone, even at the risk of the unsuspected destabilisation mentioned above.