Expatriate workers in France What should we know?
What issues do I need to know about expatriate workers in France to avoid problems?
In a new edition of "Breakfast and Laws"events organised by the firm AGM LawyersOn 24 January, a number of entities that, for one reason or another, have a close relationship with France met. Thus, Agustín Tizón Gutiérrez gave an overview of the most important aspects that should be taken into account when posting workers to France. "One of the objectives of the European Union is to facilitate the mobility of workers between member countries, but there are certain conditions that should not be overlooked in order to avoid incurring unnecessary penalties, as in the end each country has its own idiosyncrasies and specific regulations. In the case of staff movements to Franceit should not be forgotten that both Spanish and French regulations must be complied with.."
This also implies that the establishment of a company in France is considerably easier if you have a legal representation in the neighbouring country. AGM Lawyers is a 30 year old firm with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Paris. They are experts in advising companies wishing to establish themselves in France and they are well aware of the regulations and certain aspects that should not be incurred in order to avoid fines. For example, it is important to know that a Spanish worker working in France, even if it is a temporary or temporary job, must have the same working hours, salary, etc. as French workers.
The meeting was also attended by Belén JiménezThe Deputy Director at the agency Business France Spain, y Elisabeth SanchezThe French investment project manager for France at the same organisation. Business France is part of the French diplomatic network in Spain and occupies a central place in the business support French exporting companies and in the attraction of business towards France. Thanks to a bicultural team of internationalisation professionals located in Madrid and Barcelona, Business France in Spain is able to accompany entrepreneurs in their international development projects in Spain or implementation in France. Against this background, both directives reaffirmed the importance of comply with French regulations scrupulously in order to avoid unwanted penalties.
On the other hand, Charo Álvaroas Communications Director of GIL STAUFFERHe alluded to the growth that has taken place in the international removals in recent years and, in particular, to the increase in the volume of traffic that has been experienced with Francewhere the company is established with a branch of the brand. He also referred to the division of Relocation of the company that manages specific programmes for expatriates in France.
Finally, Eva Aparicio VegaHead of Business Development at PONSgiven its experience in compliance, global mobility and administrative management, noted the importance of managing the labour side of the workforce, both in terms of bureaucracy and taxation.
Therefore, the issue of expatriate workers in France was sufficiently clear in each of its facets, but if you still have doubts, ask us. We are experts in international removals and staff transfers.