Gil Stauffer attended the Cadena 100 Number Awards Night at Bilbao
Gil Stauffer was present at the Cadena 100 Number 1 Awards ceremony.
This was the big night at the Numero 1 Cadena 100 Awards on Bilbao
An unforgettable evening for those attending the awards ceremony. Cadena 100 Number 1 Awardswhich took place in a magical and relaxed atmosphere at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. A night full of surprises in which the awards were presented to outstanding artists from the music scene, the world of entertainment and also solidarity.
The ceremony was hosted by Javi Nieves y Mar Amatethe announcers of the programme "¡Buenos días, Javi y Mar!" on Cadena 100, who, with their fluency and amenity, set the exciting rhythm of the evening, supported by their collaborators. Jimeno y Fernando MartínThey unleashed the laughter of the audience with their usual joviality.
This year's winners were .Ana Mena, Sergio Dalma, Álex Ubago, The Secrets, Imanol Arias, Ion Aramendi and the maritime rescue vessel Aita Mari.
Sergio Dalma y Álex Ubagojoined together to sing 'A tu lado', by Los Secretos, as the group's vocalist, Álvaro Urquijohad tested positive for Covid-19 and was unable to attend the event, so he sent a video to thank her for the award.
Sergio Dalma moved the audience with his popular track "Bailar pegados" and the Twin Melody challenged him to record a TikTok with them. For his part, Alex Ubago He performed a repertoire in which he interpreted "A gritos de Esperanza" with his guitar.
But, the big surprise of the night was provided by Imanol AriasAfter a monologue with a comic touch, he began to sing in the txapela which is presented to the prize-winners.
The Solidarity Award was received by the humanitarian rescue vessel Aita Mari for the valuable work of its members.
Gil Stauffer Bilbao is pleased and grateful to have been able to take part in this beautiful initiative, as well as to have shared this magnificent day with award winners, personalities and sponsors.