Gil Stauffer receives La Razón's Housing and Business Excellence Award
Charo Álvaro, Director of Communications at Gil Stauffer, accepted the award.
The newspaper THE REASON annually organises this event to reward companies with impeccable track records in areas such as growth, research, training, innovation, the environment and adaptability to new and changing market needs. On this occasion, GIL STAUFFER was among the prize-winners and Charo Álvaro was in charge of collecting the award.
At an event presided over by the Madrid Minister of Finance, Javier Fernández-Lasquettywhich was attended by the director Francisco Marhuenda and was presented by the journalist Carlos Rodríguez Braunthe Housing and Business Excellence Awards were presented at the NH Madrid Ribera del Manzanares Hotel.
Always keeping a safe distance and with constant hygienic measures, the attendees also had to wear their masks during the entire event, except for each speech and the prize-giving photographs. Given the security conditions that must be maintained due to the coronavirus pandemic, these measures were unavoidable. This was the first public event of THE REASON since the state of alarm began in March last year due to the COVID-19 and the ensuing confinement. Thus, a great occasion and a double joy to GIL STAUFFER that, as expressed by Charo Álvaro in his speech, has been helping many clients during the pandemic. In his own words, "In GIL STAUFFER In these months we have helped many families to move their lives trying to avoid suffering. Economic suffering because if they did not make their move they would incur very expensive expenses, and suffering also related to family ties with a high emotional component. In addition, we have been able to help companies that had planned many actions and that, thanks to our intervention, have been able to continue with the planning they had previously planned. With regulatory limitations, but we have always tried to help our clients and that is nice. At the end of the day, that's what we do, so I consider this recognition an honour.
Apart from GIL STAUFFERother award-winning companies were Lacooop, Hormitech, Vertebra Engineering and Construction, Index Group, Laude Schools, Kyowa Kirin, SGS Digital Trust Services, Sociedad de Estudios y Explotación de Material Auxiliar de Transporte-SEMAT (Society for Studies and Exploitation of Auxiliary Transport Material-SEMAT), Sintac Recycling y Corteva Agriscience.
The complete act can be seen in this LINK and GIL STAUFFER's intervention is from minute 30 onwards.