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Smart cities, sustainable mobility and climate change - what about removals?



In recent years, we have seen a general increase in commitment to the care for the environment mainly because of the scientifically proven climate change.

Thus, on the 4th of last year, we went to the round table programmed by the newspaper La Razón on the issue of smart cities, sustainable mobility and climate change.

"Today the world is more urban than ever before", begins the opening of the day's proceedings by the managing director of, David Cierco. But "technological development must be for the good of the planet. We must not neglect the environment in which we live". It is difficult to assume that progress is going against the world we live in.

Marcos Sánchez Foncueva, manager of the Junta de Compensación de ValdebebasHe argued that "we have to innovate, but optimising the resources we have available today. We have to make compact cities, denser and with more public green spaces, because the lower the density, the greater the mobility needs.

For its part, Jesus Presa, Communications Director of Renaultsaid that "the automotive sector is working fully committed to mobility in big cities. We were pioneers with electricity. We started in 2008 and we have come a long way".

"We are a company that identifies with what our clients ask of us and today they are asking us to be sustainable; these are demands of ethical values", expressed the director of strategy and corporate development at Mutua Madrileña, Enrique Gavilanes.

Ion Cuervas-Mons, CEO of Wondo At Ferrovial said that "Wondo is a platform that aims to be an alternative to the private car with options such as car sharing and multimodal transport to avoid polluting emissions".

The head of environment at Naturgy, Nieves CifuentesFor us the energy transition is an opportunity and we want to offer a new energy service using renewable energies and we are also looking at empowering new users," he said.

Finally, he intervened David Perez, VP sustainable impact and public affairs of CabifyMany things have changed, including the way we relate to each other," he said. When a company is born with the aim of being a sustainable alternative, a lot is already being said about the issue of smart cities.

The conclusions of the day were diverse, but in general, it is already well known that there is a general awareness about caring for our world, that there is still a need to more involvement of leaders and governmentsthat it is necessary to continue to work across the board on mobility and sustainability for smart cities, managing land well with as little damage to nature as possible and avoiding climate change.

As for the removalsWe note here the commitment on the part of GIL STAUFFER to meet all the feasible premises of corporate social responsibility and to ensure that their services are also sustainableusing, as far as possible, environmentally friendly vehicles, recyclable packaging materials and collaborating with customers in the transport of materials to the clean point..

Since 1905, our greatest satisfaction has been your satisfaction.

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