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Is franchising a sure success? Gil Stauffer attends the meeting of Barbadillo y Asociados



Charo ÁlvaroCommunication Director of GIL STAUFFER was present yesterday at the meeting organised by Barbadillo and Associates on the interesting topic of franchise news. This meeting took place at the ABC Museum and the opening was given by the newspaper's deputy director ABC, Yolanda Gómezwho moderated a lively debate in which the following intervened Jesús Fernández, CEO of the Sibuya Group, Iván Martínfranchise director of Alsea Iberia, Vicente Pascualexpansion director of Midas and Octavio Ramirez, commercial director of Universal Network Santander Spain.

As presented at the event, 99.9% of the business fabric in Spain is made up of SMEs and the self-employed, which create about 75% of employment in our country. At the end of 2018, the number of registered companies belonging to the world of franchising was approximately 70,000.. Moreover, experience has shown that in times of recession the franchise model performs better than other business models. A managed economy and a proven brand with a tried and tested business model is much more likely to success. Another advantage is that the default rate is lower and financing is easier for a franchisor than for other models. Through a business planThe relationship is usually built up more smoothly than in other business circumstances, as the franchisor already has a proven trustworthiness and solvency.

Their own banks have become professionalised in this field and have their own franchising departmentso that for the franchisee a much simpler process is opened up. Thus, the bank Santander is committed to this route and already has some 2,500 franchise experts and a risk department and digital channels that allow it to speed up all the processes. There is special agreements for franchisor and franchisee.

Franchising has evolved The public is now very familiar with this concept. Therefore, there is an evolution in the candidates who know that they become entrepreneurs.
Some aspects that are very important inherent in the franchise today are the digitalisation and logistics. Both must be well managed to keep up with today's markets. And, in general, the franchising allows you to be on a par with large companies while remaining small.. All this is also a challenge, but you have to try to meet it because it is also a question of responsibility. Customers live with their mobile phones in their hands, so you have to give them what they need at any given moment. It is the current situation and we don't know how far this issue will go, but it seems to have a meteoric projection and it is necessary to respond to the demand.

With regard to the internationalisationThe following aspects were highlighted: Any franchise has to have a base of at least 10% in order to be able to test experiences and then to be able to extend them to other markets. Thus, the franchisee's contribution is knowledge of the local market and by adding brand richness, success is built on. For this reason, Santander Bank considers it essential to be present abroad and supports franchise entrepreneurs in their internationalisation process by putting master franchisees in contact with each other in other countries and vice versa. This has a lot to do with the fact that Spain's brand is very well recognised outside our borders.. But the franchisee should always be aware of the local market to be competitive and, at the same time, it should focus on the customer service, offer quality and provide differentiating values with regard to its competence.

It seems that the entrepreneurs have in the franchising the model of the present and the futureThe brand recognition and know how provide security and it is the future, but it is necessary to adapt to the times and to the demands of the client. The return on investment is usually much faster than in other business models, but there are of course some minimum aspects, such as the advertising share and investment in resourcesetc. to be covered. The franchisee should therefore show respect and confidence in the brand by making a minimum investment in the brand. human and technical resources, Marketingetc.

Following the debate, the following spoke Santiago BarbadilloManaging Director of the consultancy firm Barbadillo and Associateswho underpinned the arguments with facts about the reality of the situation of franchising in Spain. He then took the floor Eduardo Abadíaexecutive director of the Spanish Franchisers Association to draw the conclusions by insisting on this model as a model of successful entrepreneurship.

From GIL STAUFFER we are convinced that that our goodwill remains indelible and will remain for a long time thanks to the franchising business model and we are now in the midst of an upgrade phase with our sights set on a fruitful and enviable future. Many companies in our sector died in the crisis that we have overcome with success and we owe this to two fundamental reasons: one, the franchise business system with which we navigate in the business world as a great team and another, the Marketing on which we have always made a financial effort, obtaining the return on investment made. With this in mind, if any candidate wishes to join the network of GIL STAUFFERjust write to us HERE and we will study your proposal carefully.

Finally, for those who wish to go to on the trade system of the franchise, we recommend a book that has just been published and is very easy to read. The title is "Franchises, successful businesses"and its author, Juan Carlos Martín Jiménezis a specialised journalist who has been working for many years in the field of this marketing model. The book can be purchased here LINK.

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