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Move to Barcelona

Moving to Barcelona: 6 reasons to move to Barcelona

Moving to Barcelona: 6 reasons to move to Barcelona

Moving to the national territory Moving to Barcelona can be a great decision, as it is a city that has catapulted itself as one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. In addition, it has the typical Mediterranean character of an open city that invites leisure and is undoubtedly one of the key tourist attractions in our country.

For its population size -nearly 1,670,000 inhabitants- ranks as Spain's second largest city. After Madrid and number 10 in the European Union. It is also the second largest metropolitan area in Spain in terms of economic activity and the sixteenth largest in Europe. All this means that the city has all necessary services to provide a good quality of life.

On the other hand, it is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and also has, just over a hundred kilometres away, the Pyrenees mountain range and the border with France, so that the tourism and catering around this privileged location is extensive.

If you were hesitating whether to move to Barcelona, don't think twice and pack your bags because this city has some advantages that cannot go unnoticed.

Moving to Barcelona - Barcelona city
BARCELONA - View from the Venetian towers at the entrance to the 1929 Exposition site

Why move to Barcelona? Delving into the reasons

  • Privileged location

It is situated in an idyllic enclave between the mountains and the sea. The Costa Brava is one of the most beautiful in Spain, surrounded by green mountains. The tourist variety is very rich and is not only limited to the beach, as it ranges from wine tourism, extreme sports, spas and spas, golf, among others.

  • Cosmopolitan character

After Madrid, it is the largest city in Spain. This means that the cultural offer in the city is wide and varied. In addition, the foreign population is growing, making it a very cosmopolitan city where many different cultures come together. It also offers great transport services, international removals y storageas well as impeccable tourist sites.

  • Cradle of modern art

It is the birthplace of modernist and surrealist art. The artists Gaudí and Miróboth Catalans, left in Barcelona the highest expressions of their art. The Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Dona i Ocell are just some of its wonders.

  • Sustainable city

Barcelona is a green and sustainable city. It has more than 100 parks where you can relax and get away from the city without counting the Natural Parks of Montseny and Collserola where climbing enthusiasts will have a great time. Its popular bicycle lanes, together with the climate, make this the best way to get around.

  • Culinary tradition

Gastronomy is one of its strong points: Beyond the patatas bravas and the bread tumaca, Catalan gastronomy skilfully combines products from the sea, the mountains and the garden. A whole host of traditional dishes can be found alongside a mixture of culinary avant-gardism. There is something to satisfy the most varied palates. It is also, land of wines and cavas, so you are sure to find the perfect pairing for any gastronomic choice.

  • Festive spirit

Parties, parties and more parties. In addition to being a busy city with a busy nightlifeThe city, where you can go out almost every day, also has several cultural celebrations every year, which are very popular: Saint Jordi, The Castellers and La Sardana are some examples.

If you want to more information about festivities or the different tourism alternatives, we recommend you to visit this page about BarcelonaYou can find all the latest information about the city and its spirit of leisure here:

5 best tourist sites of Barcelona

Barcelona is a city full of exciting and attractive tourist sites. Here is a list of the top 5 sights you shouldn't miss when visiting Barcelona:

1. The Holy Family

The Holy Familydesigned by the renowned architect Antoni Gaudí, is an impressive temple that has become an icon of Barcelona. Begun in 1882, its construction is still ongoing. The combination of architectural styles and meticulous detailing make the Sagrada Familia a unique masterpiece in the world. From the intricate details of its façade to its imposing interior, where light filters through colourful stained glass windows, the experience of visiting this place is truly awe-inspiring.

2. Park Güell

The Park Güellanother masterful work by Gaudí, is a public space full of charm and creativity. Its gardens, sculptures and architectural structures look like something out of a fairy tale. From the famous salamander to the main square with its leaning columns and vibrant mosaics, every corner of the park reflects Gaudí's unique artistic vision. In addition, the park offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city, making it a perfect place to relax and admire the beauty of Barcelona.

3. La Rambla

La Rambla is an iconic pedestrianised avenue in the heart of Barcelona. Full of life and energy, this bustling street is lined with shops, restaurants, cafes and market stalls. It's a perfect place to immerse yourself in the city's street life and enjoy the lively atmosphere. Along La Rambla, you'll find an eclectic mix of people, street performers and street vendors that add a special touch to the experience.

4. Gothic Quarter (Barri Gòtic)

The Gothic Quarter is the historic heart of Barcelona, characterised by narrow cobbled streets and medieval squares. In this enchanting labyrinth, you will discover the majestic Cathedral of Barcelona and the evocative Plaça del ReiThe streets of the Gothic Quarter are home to centuries of history and impressive architecture. Exploring the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter will take you on a journey back in time, where you can appreciate the city's rich heritage.

5. Camp Nou

For football fans, a trip to the stadium Camp Nouhome of FC Barcelona, is an exciting experience. Even if you can't attend a game, you can still take a tour of the stadium and explore the FC Museum Barcelonawhich showcases the club's history and achievements. The thrill of being in such an iconic stadium and feeling the football passion is something fans won't want to miss.


Moving to Barcelona - Night view of Barcelona

Moving to Barcelona is therefore a very tempting option. So if, after reading this article, we have convinced you and you are about to take the flight, don't forget to call GIL STAUFFER to prepare your move! We will help you through the whole process. We also have a delegation in Barcelonafrom where we can give you all the support you need at your destination.

On the other hand, if you wish, you can have a look at this article about the positive aspects of moving to another city.

These are tips offered by GIL STAUFFER, your removal company since 1905.

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