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Price of a furniture repository in Tenerife - Gil Stauffer Storage Tenerife

Price of a furniture repository in Tenerife and differences compared to storage rooms

What is the price of a furniture repository in Tenerife?

One of the most frequently asked questions on the Internet concerning the sStorage service in Tenerife is about the price of this service. For this reason, we are going to try to explain some aspects that will help you clear up any doubts.

How much does a furniture repository in Tenerife cost?

According to some scales published on the Internetone furniture repository with a capacity of 12 m³ en Tenerife could cost:

  • 171 for a one-month contract
  • 324€ for a 3-month stay
  • 612€ if the storage service is for a full year.

But the reality is different. If you read on, you will see that the prices of Gil Stauffer are considerably cheaper in relation to this scale..

However, it should be noted that prices range not only depending on the months of deposit, but also depending on other factors. For instance, the final price of the service will vary considerably if there is a removal in between - which is very frequent when a furniture repository is required- and normally, it will be necessary to make a move in and a move back to the home of origin, which has a cost that should not be overlooked. The price will also increase depending on the very nature of the transferSometimes moving house involves other aspects that need to be taken into account. For example, the simple volume of belongings to save, if needed assistance in handling or other constraints which, with security will increase the contract price.

Is the ability to quote furniture storage prices important?

Of course it is important, because prices also depend on the capacity of these containers offered to the user, but it should be noted that companies consider various types and sizes of containers.

Thus, Gil Stauffer's furniture storage prices TenerifeThe prices are in principle adjusted in a standardised manner, at the price of 5 euros per m³ per month in 10 m³ containers, which means that, if you do the math, their prices are significantly cheaper50 euros/month 10 m³- than the above-mentioned scales. However, as mentioned above, quotations are made on the basis of different factors and a variety of offers may be made which could to make the fine price even cheaperl. Price of a furniture repository in Tenerife - Gil Stauffer Tenerife Storage Containers

Therefore, in any case, the ideal is to request a quote based on the specific needs of each user, since prices should be adjusted to each specific situation and according to the services offered by each storage and warehousing companywhich are not always the same.

And what is a furniture repository for?

The most common situations for contracting a furniture storage company are:

  • When you are going to carry out a work or reformThe removal of furniture and/or household goods is necessary for the duration of the work to be carried out, whether in a private home or in a company.
  • In the event of a move to Barcelona This is used for storing items that are no longer needed or are simply no longer used on a daily basis, but which we do not wish to dispose of. Also in the event that we have to leave the home of origin and the home of destination is not yet ready due to a lack of supplies or pending work.
  • In claims related to insurance companies, such as incidents caused by damp or damaged pipes, where space needs to be freed up for a period of time to be able to fix the fault.
  • In cases of inheritances family cases where time is needed to allocate assets to several heirs or other situations that require an indeterminate period of resolution.
  • At divorcesThe spouses are to be separated and a determination is made as to what each party is to keep.
  • Some collectors and celebrities are also customers of this type of storage containers, as they have large collections of trophies and other belongings that no longer fit in their homes.
  • For companies that need to store certain materials.
  • In any other case where furniture is required to be kept in a furniture repository for periods longer than one month.

In a nutshell, a storage serves to store your belongingsSo it is important that you take into account what each furniture repository company offers you and check aspects such as whether they have 24-hour surveillances or whether there are certain health and safety measures.

What are the differences between a furniture repository and a storage room?

The differences between a furniture storage service and a storage room service are as follows:

Characteristics of storage rooms

Price of a furniture repository in Tenerife - Storage rooms

  • Easy access for the client to his belongings, with his own key and during extended opening hours, including holidays.
  • Storage in rooms or boxes where the customer can order and place his belongings by himself according to his preference.
  • Private or business customers who are short of space at home / office and need to use the storage room on a regular basis.
  • The cost of storage in a storage room is usually higher than that of a traditional furniture repository.

Storage characteristics

Price of a furniture repository in Tenerife - Gil Stauffer Storage Tenerife

  • Access is limited in time and usually only on weekdays from Monday to Friday.
  • Depending on the volume stored, a minimum of two people must be available to move the packages in order to access the goods.
  • Storage on palletsin wooden containers of 10 m³ or in metal containers of 33 to 66 m³.
  • Private customer or company manager who has made a move.
  • Private or business customers who are short of space at home/office and do not need to use the furniture repository frequently.

If you want to more information on the prices of furniture repository in Tenerife, offers and services of Gil Stauffer TenerifePlease do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to apply directly for a budget furniture repositoryclick on this this link.

You can also consult our tips for removals and storage in furniture repositoriesThey may be of use to you. It is essential to remember that the integrity of your appliances during the move relies on proper preparation, packing, storage, transportation and constant care. By following these steps meticulously, you can ensure that your appliances arrive at their final destination without damage or incident.

Price of a furniture repository in Tenerife - Gil Stauffer Storage Tenerife

These are tips offered by GIL STAUFFER, your removal company since 1905.


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